Becoming a parent is one of the most amazing life
journeys that requires endurance…especially in these dynamic times!

Parenting By Design
Conscious. Confident. Aligned

Let’s face it, if parenting were as easy as “one size fits all” then all our children would eat their veggies,
be respectful, happy, sleep through the night, make friends, have successful careers and stay safe.

Like many of you, I believe parenting is by far the most sacred and courageous adventure hands
down! I’m the first to admit I’m an imperfect parent but a passionate mom!


To create a legacy of perpetual peace. To be in a state of love and to teach the future generations to carry forward the practices and memories that will sustain a cohesive cooperative world.

Parenting used to be something that was passed down from generation to generation. But as the world changed, as divorce became more prevalent, as children were born more “aware” and knew things from a young age…

Parenting became more frustrating, confusing and even overwhelming… In this evolving and rapidly changing world it requires new skills and the ability to be resilient!

Yes parenting is a skill! If you’re like most parents, you want your child to be the best they can. To fulfill their potential and life purpose.

But sometimes, we’re not sure how to support them…

While you can build on what your parents gave you, the skills you need today to parent are different. Or maybe you want to be different than your own parents… Today, I invite you to step into cultivating the skill called parenting regardless of how old or young your children are!

Because supporting your child doesn’t stop once they reach 18 or 40 years old… And to be able to support your child throughout their life, you need a new framework or perspective to really see child and all their brilliance.

We also, as parents, need to see how we’re parenting right now and how we want to tweak our parenting in order to create a more supportive parenting structure and family structure to support your children in discovering their capability and lovability.


Parenting used to be something that was passed down from generation to generation.

But as the world changed, as divorce became more prevalent, as children were born more “aware” and knew things from a young age…

Parenting became more frustrating, confusing and even overwhelming…

In this evolving and rapidly changing world it requires new skills and the ability to be resilient!

Yes parenting is a skill!

If you’re like most parents, you want your child to be the best they can. To fulfill their potential and life purpose.

But sometimes, we’re not sure how to support them…

While you can build on what your parents gave you, the skills you need today to parent are different.

Or maybe you want to be different than your own parents…

Today, I invite you to step into cultivating the skill called parenting regardless of how old or young your children are!

Because supporting your child doesn’t stop once they reach 18 or 40 years old…

And to be able to support your child throughout their life, you need a new framework or perspective to really see child and all their brilliance.

We also, as parents, need to see how we’re parenting right now and how we want to tweak our parenting in order to create a more supportive parenting structure and family structure to support your children in discovering their capability and lovability.



Experiences &



There are lenses or filters that skew our reality and keep us from seeing our children for who they really are… For example, where your child is developmentally will allow you to place boundaries that are age and developmentally appropriate.

Our past experiences and conditioning will play a role in how we see our children and what expectations you have for them. What Human Design can give you is a deep insight into your child’s energy, your child’s temperament (and temperamental traits), and strategies to guide your child as they go through their life cycles.

Understanding that children have 4 basic emotional needs, and when children lack the language to explain their feelings, they use their behavior as their voice. As children mature, if they don’t learn how to communicate when their emotional needs are not met, they continue to act out or “misbehave” as a form of communication.